News For June – July 2015
Annual Report Fiscal Year 2014-2015
During Fiscal Year 2014-2015 Resource Centers International (RCI) conducted two missions: one to Belize and the other to Jamaica. During these missions 17 Resource Centers were established in schools; and supplies and equipment were distributed to 64 centers of learning: schools, libraries and pediatric units in hospitals. The container to Belize was also filled out with medical equipment for the Northern Regional Hospital in Orange Walk.
Expenditures (f.y. 14-15)
Belize | $7858.14 |
Jamaica | 9577.66 |
Unspecified* | 1402.44 |
Total Expenditures** | $18,838.44 |
*Items purchased that were not designated for a specific mission such as items purchased at auctions or books.
**Of this amount $15,056.60 was shipping and port expenses. Personal expenses of missioners is not included.
Funds Received (f.y. 14-15)
Perrysburg | $1000.00 |
Bowling Green | 1000.00 |
Huron | 2500.00 |
Sandusky | 2500.00 |
Lima | 750.00 |
Sylvania | 2000.00 |
MESA | 4000.00 |
District Grant | 2275.00 |
Individual Donations | 1214.88 |
Total Funds Received | $17239.88 |

In the past the computers that we donated were not near as valuable as the ones we now send to Jamaica and Belize. Surrounded by children in a Belize primary school, Kent Iler (Elyria Rotarian and on his third mission) is setting up computers during Mission 8. These computers are more valuable because Kent has loaded children's educational software onto them.

Children checking out books (these were donated by Books-4-Buddies) during Mission 2. Books are perhaps the most important resource that RCI brings to the primary schools of Jamaica and Belize.
Plans for Fiscal Year 2015-2016
The next RCI Mission will be to the Toledo District of Belize this coming March. The mission will be a partnership between the Rotary Club of Elyria (District 6600), the Rotary Club of Punta Gorda Town (District 4250) and the Ministry of Education, Toledo District. The mission team is planning to spend two weeks in the completion of this mission. Not only will RCI and the Rotary Club of Elyria open 18 resource centers in pre and primary schools but also plan to support local libraries and Pediatric wings of local hospitals with educational resources for young children. If you have an interest in being part of the team please contact Mel Honig, Project Coordinator:
If your club would like to sponsor a mission to Jamaica or Belize please contact Mel Honig, Project Coordinator, Resource Centers International:
Belize Mission 8 Update
We have received several letters of appreciation
Dear Mel Honig:
On behalf of the students of Trial Farm Government School a big thanks you for the toys, books, mats and tables that we received.
May God continue to bless you all and provide more help for you and your organization.
Mrs. Nazira Romero
Dr. Jair OsorioMel,
Thank you for your dedication and the projects you currently bring to Belize. And we are highly appreciated for the donation to the hospital.
The hospital is in need of many things, such as furniture, medical supplies as well as infrastructure. Our Club is willing to assist but as you may know we are sometimes financially restraint to carry out many things. The hospital is also budget limited to finance transportations of containers, etc or purchase equipment and medical supplies.
However, if any Clubs in your area will like to partner with the Orange Walk Rotary Club or with the Hospital, we can certainly discuss. There a several small and large projects that can be potential Rotary projects and fall under the areas of focus of RI. Currently our Club is in discussion of providing window screens for the hospital to prevent mosquitoes from coming in.
Such projects are abundant in my area and all over the country. I may need to develop plans and forward it to the Clubs and see if they can embark on it.
Thanks you once again.
On Thu, May 7, 2015 at 7:00 AM, Mel Honig <> wrote:
Dear Jair,Sorry I missed you during our stay in Orange Walk. When your personnel picked up some of the items we donated they indicated that they had other needs and immediately filled out a list for me. I have attached the list to this email. If you would like me to try having a Rotary Club in my District 6600 work on this project let me know. Also please include any other needs you may have so we can fill out a container.
If you click on:, you will be able to view our Newsletter about our latest mission to Belize. When at the Newsletter click on the first picture to obtain a full page view. After that click on the lower left hand number to advance to the next picture.
Jair Osorio, M.D.
Ag. Regional Hospital Administrator/
Medical Chief of Staff
Northern Regional Hospital
Ministry of Health
Holy Trinity Street
Orange Walk Town
Belize, C.A.
Phone: 501-302-2072
Fax: 501-322-2144
Please note that the Rotary Club of Sylvania has taken on the project to send a container of medical equipment to the Northern Regional Hospital, Orange Walk Town, Belize.
Dear Mel,
On behalf of all the schools assisted in the Stann Creek/Toledo Districts, I say a big thank you. We sincerely appreciate the assistance and assure you they will be put to good use.Once again, thank you. Looking forward to continuous support.
Tanya M. Nunez, Ed. D.
Principal Education Officer/Education Manager
Stann Creek District Education Centre
Market Square, Dangriga Belize
Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.
Johann Wolfgang von GoetheJesus Catzim
Dear Mr. Mel.
I thank you very much for you and your Team for the very kind donation of a resource center for our school. I assure you it will be put to proper use.
Thank you very much.
Thanks for making your newsletter available to us.Best Wishes
Educational Equipment and Materials
Item | Donor | Expeditor | Rotary Club of |
Laptop computers | SSOE | Andrew Timothy | Sylvania |
Computers & accessories | Nemsys/Blake Underwood | Mel Honig | Sylvania |
Tables, chairs, televisions,AV carts | Owens Community College | Andrew Timothy | Sylvania |
Games and Toys | Gail Odneal | Mel Honig | Sylvania |
Games, Toys & VHS tapes | Amber Fisher | Amber Fisher | Elyria |
Computer accessories | Iler Computing | Kent Iler | Elyria |
Books & VHS Tapes | F.O.L., Margie Levy | Mel Honig | Sylvania |
Hard Drives | Chris Vogel | Chris Vogel | Perrysburg |
Books, VHS Tapes | Chris Vogel | Chris Vogel | Perrysburg |
Donor | Amount |
Heinrich Foundation | $1000.00 |
Rotary Club of Elyria | 2000.00 |
Item | Vendor | Cost |
Books & VHS Tapes | Friends of the Library | $190.00 |
Chairs, AV Carts, VHS Players, Book Cases | Miller Auction Service | 123.50 |
Office Furniture, video camera, rolling carts, bookcases, books etc. | Belkover Auction Company | 325.00 |
- Rotary Club of Huron
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