Belize Mission March 2016 – Day 5
- Driving to San Jose we passed by several typical Mayan villages. These homes are actually very large and their construction style makes them comfortable considering the 90 plus degree heat. Today the team finished Resource Centers at 3 Schools; San Jose RC Preschool, San Antonio Christian Preschool and San Pedro Columbia Preschool.
- Mario Bull, Dangriga school teacher, joined us last night for the remainder of this week’s mission. His principal is teaching his class this week while he is on mission. Here Mario and Robin are putting together the TV and VCR. They then check it out to make sure everything is working. Mario’s strength is his IT skills which are impressive. This is his second mission and hopefully he will be available to help on future ones.
- Jill Cotter, former New Yorker; school teacher and Punta Gorda Rotarian got frustrated trying to figure out how to use the children’s software program loaded on the computers. Jill was a very valuable asset, giving recommendations (which we asked for) on how to improve the project to make it more effective.
- Here at San Antonio Christian, Robin is showing the head preschool teacher how to use the overhead projector. Transparencies and washable markers are also supplied.
- Principal Omar of San Pedro Columbia and Kent are discussing the project in the preschool building. Almost all the village children attend preschool. Classrooms are often open and airy with separate activity spaces for play or traditional learning. There is however a great difference in the resources available to each school. This preschool has a great facility but was still in need of the items we were donating.
- Dr. Neal Kaufman, Orthodontist was a natural with the drill. We all chip in and do what is necessary to get the job done.
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