Belize Mission March 2016 – Day 8
- Our day started off at the Ministry of Education where we met with Dr. Carmen Lopez, Manager, Feliz Sho, Curriculum Officer and Floyd Lino, Education Officer. Previously we met Modesta Palacio, Preschool Coordinator. Later in the day we met with Glenford Parham the IT Specialist. We shared our software programs with him so he could get them installed on the computers in all the pre and primary schools that we did not visit.
- We completed three centers today with the first being the Preschool at St Peter Claver Primary. At this school we started to discover some of the problems in our distribution system. At one school they have 5 boxes of children’s books when should only have had 2. This pre-school had none. They also had our first overhead projector failure when we found the bulb had burnt out. A few of the projectors got smashed in transient so we knew we had replacements… but no books!!! What was going on?
- Once again at the Methodist school, no children’s books…: then we remembered that one truck took off with books for three schools. Everything was separated by school but I guess that was not good enough. Luckily we had extra boxes of books, so problem solved.
- The last school was the Anglican Preschool and one of the largest with 39 preschoolers. Their only problem was that the classroom was too small for everything, so we took back a table and gave it to the Methodist school that got none! They already had plenty of shelving so that too was retrieved, but returned to our warehouse room at the Belize Training Center.
- It was at the Anglican preschool that Principal Omar caught up with us to present us with many gifts and a plaque made by one of the appreciative parents. Next to Omar is his wife, also a teacher at Columbia.
- Back at the Belize Training Center Principal Omar (yes, a common name in Belize) from Midway school caught up with us. He wanted to return a box of several electronic items we left at his school. Long live Rotary!!!!
- Dinner tonight was at provided by PG Rotarian Olive. Her cousin Mel just flew in from NYC. I think we need to start of fund to buy Mel (the female one) some new jeans. It seems every school had a Mel. At the Anglican school head teacher Emily prefers her friends to call her ‘Mel’. Tomorrow Kent and I are taking some R & R by going one a dive/snorkel expedition to Silk Cay. Should be fun…
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